A general method for the computation of the power of a matrix A e M2( R )
A linear homogeneous system of equations
A remarkable point and a remarkable line in the plane of a given triangle
A visual and constructive way to the contraction mapping theorem
About some limits
Contribution of “Gazeta Matematica” in raising the scientific level of the mathematical education in Romania
Factorial powers and Vandermonde determinants
Matrix. Didactic film
Methodological remarks on the graph of certain rational functions and their connection with solving of the algebraical equation of the degree three
On a compression / decompression method
On a functional inequality
On a Joszef Sandor’s mean value theorem
On a problem from the manual of geometry for the IX-th class
On a problem of O. I. M type
On some problems concerning the determination of the image of a set by a function
Reflections on mathematics
Roumanian Mathematical Society, Branch of Baia Mare at the 40th anniversary
School of Maramures celebrating the Centenary of Gazeta Matematica (1895-1996)
Secondary school students’ spare time and mathematics
Sistems of subconvex sequences of first order
Some characterizations of prime numbers
Some competition problems