Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Creative Mathematics and Informatics adheres scroupulously to ethical standards for publication, as defined by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), abides by its Code of Conduct and aims to adhere to its Best Practice Guidelines to ensure high-quality scientific publications, and public trust in scientific findings.
Online Editorial Submission System
In order to submit a manuscript to Creative Mathematics and Informatics follow the link to journal’s EDITORIAL SYSTEM
Instructions for authors
Manuscripts should be written in English, following the style of our journal in what concerns the technical preparation of the papers. The manuscripts must be prepared in LATEX macro package, and should be submitted electronically (through the online submission platform above).
The template and style of our journal could be downloaded from [Template].
The manuscripts will include the full address (es) of the author (s), with E-mail address (es), an abstract not exceeding 150 words, 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification, Key words and phrases. We recommend the following organization of the manuscript.
0. Abstract. Do not include citations under the form “We extend the main results in [1]”. Instead, you should use the complete citation in the form [Al-Homidan, S. Semi-definite programming for the nearest circulant semi-definite matrix problem. {\em Carpathian J. Math.} {\bf 37} (2021), no. 1, 13–22].
1. Introduction.
2. Main part (one, two or more sections)
3. Conclusions (and further developments)
4. References
The submission of a manuscript for publication in our journal implies that the paper has not been published, nor is being considered for publication elsewhere and this is also viewed as the author’s copyright transfer in case the manuscript is accepted.
Authors should note that an accepted manuscript, in its final form, may be slightly edited by our technical editors for readability and for compliance with the style of our journal but the main responsability for preparing the manuscripts in accordance with the journal’s template belongs to the author (s).
After the techoediting process and pagination, the galley proofs are sent to the authors for final checking and corrections.
References should be written in alphabetical order. The following style, similar to MathScinet, should be used:
a) Single author journal article:
[1] Al-Homidan, S. Semi-definite programming for the nearest circulant semi-definite matrix problem. {\em Carpathian J. Math.} {\bf 37} (2021), no. 1, 13–22.
b) Two or more authors journal article:
[2] \c Tical\u a, C.; Zelina, I. New ant colony optimization algorithm in medical images edge detection. {\em Creat. Math. Inform.} {\bf 29} (2020), no. 1, 101–108.
c) Book or monograph:
[4] Berinde, V. {\em Iterative approximation of fixed points}. Second edition. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1912. Springer, Berlin, 2007.
Important note
In order to limit the number of papers under evaluation, Creative Mathematics and Informatics does not allow more than 3 (three) submissions by a co-author / author within twelve consecutive months.