Application of pollution indexes, cluster analysis and isocontent chart to the study of soil pollution
Approximating solutions of generalized pseudocontractive variational inequalities by admissible perturbation type iterative methods
Cubic differential systems with 22-invariant straight lines
Fixed points for mappings defined on pseudometric spaces
Graphical representations for errors arising by approximation with bivariate operator of Stancu type
Interpolation operators on a triangle with two and three curved edges
On a functional Fredholm integral equation, via the technique of nonexpansive operators
On the boundary of algebraic radicals in topological (n,m)(n,m)-semirings
QSTR mathematical models for the toxicity of aliphatic carboxylic acids on tetrahymena pyriformis
Schurer operators of King type
Some remarks on the Krasnoselskij iterative method
Testing artificial neural network for hand gesture recognition
The role of the Pompeiu-Hausdorff metric in fixed point theory
Why using symbolic computation for proving the convergence of iterative methods?